Monday, February 20, 2012

The Return of Vera

The Return of Vera Neumann
Okay, so I get sooo many random spam emails from companies that I bought from once or from catalogs that I have signed up for. I usually just send them all straight to the trash bin, but one caught my eye this morning. I am a huge Vera Neumann fan. I own two of her scarves and if I had the funds would probably have 20, plus a sheet set. Her graphic designs and colors are gorgeous. A few months ago I bought a Vera feather scarf from The Lucky Fish and I LOVE it. It is long and skinny in bright magenta and indigo with a white feather. It is to short and skinny for a scarf so I tie it in a bow as a belt around cardigans and such.
Back on track here.... I got an email this morning from Crate and Barrel that is announcing that they are now carrying a new line of Vera Neumann linens for your kitchen. Dish towels and such. I am so excited! I don't exactly have a kitchen to put dish towels in but they may be a new "present" for my mom because I totally have to have them.


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